Eco event name badges

It’s been a long time since events have been able to take place, but now, we’re excited to welcome you back. We understand that there are three priorities alongside the return: safety, sustainability, and savings. We’re aware that money may be tight, and we’re dedicated to working alongside event organisers to find the best low-cost solutions for your requirements.

We also understand the problems that plastic pollution is causing all over the world. We’ve come up with a number of strategies to reduce any impact our products may have on the environment, such as working with Plastic Bank and recycling our plastic cards and printer ribbons.

 Plastic ID will remove 10 plastic bottles from the ocean for every order placed online

Plastic Bank is an organisation that employs citizens in poor communities to gather plastic from their local area in exchange for food, money, clean water, and school tuition to name a few. This prevents single use plastic ending up in the oceans.

And with every order placed through Plastic ID’s online store, Plastic Bank will remove 10 single-use bottles from the ocean.

We also recognise that using plastic where it isn’t necessary is a big issue, so we’re actively trying to reduce the number of plastic products we offer. Instead, we’re exploring ID cards made from paper and other sustainable materials.

Right now, we’re proud to be sustainable event suppliers so we’ve put together an exclusive event pass printer bundle that’s low cost, easy to use, and eco-friendly. It features everything you need to get started:

You can also choose from add-ons you might need, such as recyclable cardholders for presentation or a hole punch for easy attaching to the lanyards.

The Evolis Zenius is an easy-to-use ID card printer that features high-quality printing. It’s designed for sustainability with a range of reduced energy consumption features, such as sleep mode or stand-by. It’s ideal for event badge printing, as it weighs only 3.3kg and emits a sound level of 46 dB.

If you’re an event planner with an eye for sustainability, the Eco printer bundle is perfect for your needs. It produces recyclable single-use event tickets, badges or passes in monochrome print on Evolis paper cards. Place recycling units at exit points of your venue for passes to be discarded, and the cards can then be taken with your normal recycling collection, where they will be broken down into raw material to be used in the production of new paper-based products.

 Zenius eco printer bundle for events

The bundle also comes with 100 black lanyards, made of recycled PET. They’re made from recycled plastics such as bottles and packaging and can be recycled when you no longer need them with our specialist lanyard recycling service.

You can proudly display your event passes with the lanyards and nothing else using the additional option of a hole punch, or add cardholders to your order. The 3-in-1 ID card hole punch gives you round holes, slots, and rounded corners, so you can attach your passes however you please.

The rigid card holders are recyclable and come in a range of colours to allow you to match your event branding. They’re made from recycled polypropylene plastic, so they’re widely recycled and will be broken down and used to create yet another recyclable plastic item.

If you’re an event planner looking for sustainable solutions, the Eco event name badge printer bundle is ideal. It’s an out of the box solution that allows you to print recyclable badges quickly, easily, and at a low cost.

To find out more about the Evolis Zenius Eco Printer Bundle, click here. Get in touch with one of our experts today on 020 3744 2333 to see how we can help create more sustainable solutions for your events.